Multiple Sclerosis – Risk Factors
Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis can be difficult. Sometimes patients have only discrete symptoms for years till the right diagnosis is found. Early detection is important since early treatment can slow down the progression of the disease and minimize relapses.
If MS is a possible explanation for your symptoms it makes sense to look at the most common risk factors for multiple sclerosis.
MS Risk Factors
• Age: MS is more likely to appear between the ages of 20 to 50 years old, but can occur at any age.
• Gender: Women are more likely to develop MS than men; 4:1 is the ratio listed.
• Vitamin D plays a part in regulating the immune system in the human body. As Multiple Sclerosis is an immune disease, Vit D could have a protective/modulating effect that influences the disease positively. This is especially for Dubai and the UAE important since the UAE is one of the regions with the highest Vitamin D deficiency in the world…read more
• Ethnicity: MS seems to be more prominent in the white Northern European ethnic group.
• Environment: Those living closer to the Earth’s poles have a higher risk than those located near the equator. The amount of sun a person receives seems to be the difference.
• Smoking: Smoking greatly increases the risk of MS and can cause more rapid MS progression.
• Viruses: Viruses that occur in childhood can be a factor in MS, such as mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus).
• Genetics: Even though MS is not considered hereditary, if you have a parent or sibling with MS your risk of developing MS is approximately 5%.
MS Multiple Sclerosis – German Neuroscience Center Dubai
Vitamin D plays a part in regulating the immune system in the human body. As Multiple Sclerosis is an immune disease, Vit D could have a protective/modulating effect that influences the disease positively. read more New Australian study showed again the link between too less sunlight / Vit D Deficiency and Multiple Sclerosis.