Multiple Sclerosis in UAE | Too Less Sun?
New Australian study showed again the link between too less sunlight / Vit D Deficiency and Multiple Sclerosis. But do we have too less sunlight in the UAE?
Since 1974 (Goldberg) researchers are studying the link between too less sunlight and Multiple Sclerosis. In simple terms the “Vitamin D MS Theory” says that too less sunlight causes Vit D deficiency. Why? Because the human skin needs to be in contact with sunlight (UVB) to produce/activate Vit D.
What role does Vit D play in MS?
Vitamin D plays a part in regulating the immune system in the human body. As Multiple Sclerosis is an immune disease, Vit D could have a protective/modulating effect that influences the disease positively.
What evidence is there?
A number of studies showed that MS is more prevalent in countries with less sunlight. Moreover studies showed that MS is more prevalent in cases of Vit D deficiency. The activity of MS is higher in countries with less sunlight and higher Vit D deficiency, too.
Do we have too less sunlight in the UAE?
Definitively not. But the human skin needs to be in direct contact with the sunlight to produce Vit D. If the skin is covered with clothes it cannot produce Vit D anymore, no matter how sunny it is. That’s why the prevalence of Vit D deficiency among UAE residents is one of the highest in the world. Up to 80% suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency (International Osteoporosis Foundation). Females do suffer more often from Vit deficiency as well as from Multiple Sclerosis.
More information about MS