• APRIL 22, 2012
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    Ruhe bewahren: Therapie, nicht Pillen, lautet jetzt die Devise bei Angststörungen, national dubai

    Ruhe bewahren: Therapie, nicht Pillen, lautet jetzt die Devise bei Angststörungen, national dubai

    „The National“, Author Rob Kemp Auf der ganzen Welt steigt die Stressbelastung kontinuierlich an und so ist es keine Ueberraschung, dass auch in den UAE ansässige Experten einen Anstieg bei den stressbedingten Gesundheitsstörungen beobachten, ausgelöst durch den Stress, der durch hohe Arbeitsbelastungen und die Anforderungen in einer 24-Stunden-Gesellschaft zustande kommt. Gesundheitsexperten haben sogar Dubai als

    • APRIL 22, 2012
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    Keep calm: therapy, not drugs, increasingly being used to treat anxiety; the national dubai

    Keep calm: therapy, not drugs, increasingly being used to treat anxiety; the national dubai

    The National Dubai, Rob Kemp Stress levels are on the rise globally, so it’s no surprise that experts based here in the UAE are witnessing an increase in reported health disorders related to the pressures of work and the demands of a 24-hour society. Health professionals have even diagnosed Dubai as being victim of a

    • FEBRUARY 6, 2012
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    The first thing I noticed about Anna… History of an Eating Disorder in Dubai

    The first thing I noticed about Anna… History of an Eating Disorder in Dubai

    By Jared Alden, Psychologist, American Board Certified, GNC German Neuroscience Center, DHCC, Dubai The first thing I noticed about Anna was what an attractive and nice girl she was.  She came into my office with her parents.  I had heard from my receptionist that her parents had made a big fuss about booking the appointment. 

    • FEBRUARY 5, 2012
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    Dubais Clinic for Neurology, Psychiatry and Counselling on Dubai One

    Dubais Clinic for Neurology, Psychiatry and Counselling on Dubai One

    • FEBRUARY 5, 2012
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    Healthmatters: Diabetic Neuropathy in Dubai

    Healthmatters: Diabetic Neuropathy in Dubai

    Despite it being one of the most common medical conditions in the world, millions and millions of dollars are spent around the world every year on raising awareness about its symptoms and its causes. The problem is not necessarily a matter of awareness, rather it is the nature of the disease itself – diabetes has

    • FEBRUARY 5, 2012
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    Diabetic Neuropathy – Unknown, yet painful companions of Diabetes

    Diabetic Neuropathy – Unknown, yet painful companions of Diabetes

    Diabetes might not even have been diagnosed when patients start to feel pain in their legs. Of course, they will not readily connect this pain with any internal disease such as diabetes, but will seek orthopaedic or other help which might lead to a long and painful medical history. A neurologist would immediately know what

    • FEBRUARY 4, 2012
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    Positive Thinking 2012: Psychology in Dubais Health Matters

    Positive Thinking 2012: Psychology in Dubais Health Matters

    Think positive: With the whole year ahead of you, it is important to be in a healthy state of mind from the outset A new year brings with it new opportunities, and a sense of a fresh start. This can be a blessing for those of us who found 2011 a bit of a slog