Professor of Psychiatry diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder herself – She explains what it feels like – amazing video

Kay Redfield Jamison is a Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in her early adulthood. In this video she explains what it feels like to go from severe mania to depression and back….

Descent into Madness

What happens when life loses any semblance of stability and one is subject to waves of cosmic and sometimes terrifying hallucinations? For Kay Redfield Jamison, a clinically bipolar professor of psychiatry and a mental health expert, this uneasy cons

More Information about Bipolar Disorder in Dubai

Bipolar Disorder in Dubai – German Neuroscience Center

Bipolar disorder in Dubai. What are the facts? In this article we would like to give you an overview over the disease and answer the most common question.