Migraine, a woman’s disease? Not at all! Men just don’t go to the doctor…even if they should
At the annual meeting of the American Headache Society (AHS) researchers presented a new study that revealed a gender difference in migraine. Men are less likely to receive adequate treatment compared to woman.
The Study
The study included 16,789 participants with migraine, 12,495 women and 4,294 men. Migraine was diagnosed according to the modified International Classification of Headache Disorders.
The Results
Men with migraine are less likely to see a doctor (29% vs 31%)
Men with migraine who consult a doctor are less likely to receive the right diagnosis (60% vs 78%)
Men with migraine are less likely to receive the right treatment (24% vs 28%)
The Conclusion
“Migraine is common in men, and may be less treated and less recognized by physicians,” the authors of the study say.
“This may be editorializing, but the perception that migraine is a women’s disease may contribute to migraine stigma and deny men access to diagnosis and treatment.”
“The perception that migraine is a women’s disease may be a barrier to getting diagnosed and treated.”
Migraine Headache – German Neuroscience Center Dubai
Are you suffering from headaches? You are not alone! Headache is a widespread disease and one of the most common reasons to visit a neurologist. It occurs in different types and strengths and can impair the quality of living substantially. It is possible to do something against it.