Medicinal Remedies to Cure Headaches
It’s common to occasionally get a headache. In fact, headaches are among the most common conditions that are experienced by millions of people globally. Ranging from uncomfortable to downright intolerable, headaches can interfere with daily activities. As a result, most people opt for medicinal remedies to cure them.
What are the types of headaches?
Generally, there are several types of headaches. Some of which include:
- Tension headaches
Although these are the most common types of headaches, their cause remains a mystery. Nonetheless, factors such as stress, sleep deprivation and skipping meals contribute to these headaches. Moreover, people suffering from vision problems such as eye strain, muscle strains, and overexertion are more susceptible to develop tension headaches.
- Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches cause discomfort on one side of the head. Pain caused by this type of headache usually occurs around, behind or above the eye and along the temple in clusters or patterns.
- Migraines
Migraines are severe headaches that result from specific physiological changes within the brain. Usually, these types of headaches are accompanied by various symptoms including nausea or vomiting and sensitivity to light, sound as well as smells. With migraines, the headache pain is usually experienced on one side of the head, bilaterally or on both sides.
Medicinal remedies to cure headaches
Generally, different types of medicine treat different types of headaches. However, it’s essential to be careful and seek professional advice first before taking any medications. Moreover, taking an excess of these drugs may lead to hard-to-treat rebound headache conditions. Thus, it’s essential to consult your doctor first before taking any medications.
- Tension headaches
Painkillers such as acetaminophen (Panadol, Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Aspirin or Naproxen may relieve the discomfort. Although Aspirin is a medicinal remedy used to cure headaches, it should not be given to anyone below the age of 19 years, as it increases their susceptibility to developing Reye’s syndrome.
- Migraine headaches
The mainstay medications for migraine headaches are categorized into triptans and ditans. These drugs include:
- Eletriptan (Relpax)
- Zolmitriptan (Zomig)
- Lasmiditan (Reyvow)
- Sumatriptan (Imitrex)
- Rizatriptan (Maxalt)
- Naratriptan (Amerge)
Typically, medicinal remedies for migraine headaches are administered as pills, nasal sprays, or shots.
Additionally, Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may also help to relieve headache pain if taken at the onset of a migraine attack. If you are prone to more severe and prolonged migraine headaches within a month, your doctor may recommend medication as well as other preventive techniques to control future attacks. These may include:
- Antidepressants
- Muscle relaxants
- Anti-seizure drugs such as Topamax
- Relaxation and biofeedback techniques
- Avoiding foods that trigger migraine attacks such as alcohol, caffeine, etc.
- Botox
- Cluster headaches
With cluster headaches, simple painkillers offer minimal relief unless they are taken during the first sign of the headache. Yet other drugs such as Triptans (ergotamine or sumatriptan), which are administered by shots, may help when taken at the onset of these headaches. Moreover, pain medications such as lidocaine offer relief from the discomfort when taken through the nose.
Although headache remedies and medications can ease the discomfort, they aren’t the only options. In some cases, lifestyle changes, such as stress management or avoiding triggers, may work as well. Talk to your doctor to know which course of treatment is right for you.