Dealing with the emotional impact of redundancy – Dubai Psychologist Nardeen feat. In ArabianBusiness
The last 12 months have created a sense of uncertainty for many people worldwide, not just regarding their health and safety but their financial stability as well. Faced with difficult decisions following a general business downturn, a growing number of organisations have made staff redundant in order to reduce costs amid declining financial fortunes. This can be a hard blow for any employee to deal with, especially in such a tough market. However, maintaining a positive mindset can make a big difference, and by adjusting your perspective you can put yourself in a better position to maximise opportunities.
Emotional toll
While not everybody views redundancy negatively – some may see it as a way-out of an unwanted environment and perhaps unlock their gratuity – it’s a very traumatic experience for most. Along with the financial strain, redundancy may lead to a loss of identity, affecting your overall wellbeing.
Like other major life changes, job loss can evoke similar emotions to bereavement, with reactions ranging from mild to severe, depending on your specific circumstances such as age, career level, personal life, financial commitments, etc.
The primary reaction is a feeling of confusion and a sense of shock. These symptoms are usually followed by disbelief, denial, anger, withdrawal, and a loss of confidence. Your emotions might be mixed: you feel up one day and suddenly low the next.
Adjusting to a new daily reality after changing your routine and social interactions can leave you feeling isolated and disoriented. It’s important to understand that all these feelings are valid, you are not alone, and you will get through this.
Moving forward
Staying positive is crucial to embracing what lies ahead and personal connection is essential. Keep in touch with loved ones as they can help to support and motivate you. It might be hard to open up, but it’s important to share what you’re experiencing. As well as talking to people, it’s beneficial to write down your feelings, how the situation impacts your future plans, and the actions needed to progress towards the next step, both personally and professionally.
It takes time to process an abrupt life change. Don’t rush, give yourself a break, be kind to yourself and be mindful of your needs. Then, when you are ready, get back on the job market as soon as you can.
Usually, the hiring process takes time, so take this into consideration if you need space to relax first. Re-assessing your skills and experiences and updating your CV and cover letter are good first steps towards the future. Also, use this time to use to your advantage by re-evaluating your qualities and identifying your true passions. Perhaps you want to study new skills that will elevate your expertise in your chosen profession or even take a new direction in another industry altogether. The key is to look ahead, not fixate on your previous role.
Motivation boosters
It is common to feel demotivated when looking for a new job. A healthy body and mind, though, can help you regain your focus. Maintain a nutritious diet, take regular exercise, create a consistent routine, and communicate with loved ones.
Another good habit is journal writing. Acknowledge your skills, knowledge and abilities so you appreciate everything you have to offer and feel more confident to present yourself and make the best impression during the interview.
New priorities
Such a unique global event as Covid-19 also affects what employers look for when building their teams. Depending on the industry, different qualities are required, and while there is a demand for hard skills in area such as technology or digital fields, softer skills such as adaptability and resilience, social and emotional skills, and innovation and creativity will all be sought be employees.
If you still find it challenging to cope and feel distressed, seek professional help for extra support during the transitioning phase.
The full and original article was published in Arabian Business