A Stroke is a serious illness which can be fatal. It is caused by the occlusion of a blood vessel that supplies the brain. This will lead to the disturbance of relevant physical functions such as:
Acute palsies of arms, legs or parts of the face, numbness, prickling, speech disorders as well as other neurological defects.
Another cause for a stroke can be a cerebral haemorrhage which might occur due to the bursting of a cerebral vessel. Both forms of cerebral apoplexy need immediate treatment in a specialized hospital (stroke unit) where the trained doctors will try to dissolve the occlusion or stop the haemorrhage respectively.
Prior to all apopleptic events attention should be given to the above mentioned symptoms which are strong indicators of an arteriosclerotic process even though they might be only temporary. Such temporary attacks are known as TRANSIENT ISCHAEMIC ATTACKS. They must be taken seriously and must lead to the immediate consultation of a neurologist in order to avoid a more severe development of the symptoms.
After a stroke has taken place without early efficient clinical treatment and with following severe damages and disabilities, professional rehabilitation is necessary as early as possible to regain mental and physical abilities that might have been lost.