Polyneuropathy means the affection of many nerves due to very different reasons and it can therefore develop many different symptoms. Most frequent are paraesthesia such as prickling, numbness, burning of the feet, but also palsies, disorders of speech and failure of cerebral nerves.
Similar to the variety of symptoms there is also a large variety of causes for this disease. The most frequent reason is a metabolic disorder such as diabetes mellitus. But also hereditary disposition, toxic inhibition or paraneoplastic development can cause polyneuropathy.
Accordingly, diagnostics and therapy of polyneuropathies are manifold and difficult. The therapeutic aim must be to prevent the deterioration of the nerves itself on the one hand and to treat the illnesses causing polyneuropathy on the other hand.
Should both turn out to be impossible, palliative methods may be used to ease the symptoms, especially pain, by applying special medication and physiotherapy.