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GNC Dubai presents a selection of psychiatric diseases:

Vascular dementia
Alzheimer’s disease
Bipolar Disorder

Anxiety disorder
Phobia, Phobic disturbances

Reactions to severe stress and adaption disorders
Acute reaction to stress
Adaption disorder
Addiction disorders
Post-traumatic disorder
Somatoform disorder
Dissociative disorder (conversion)
OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder
ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Eating Disorders


Dear patients,
Knowing from long years of experience that neurological or psychiatric illnesses are very often considered to be better not mentioned or talked about, we would nonetheless like to introduce you briefly to the world of neurology and psychiatry.

There are no other medical sciences that have achieved more progress and improvement over the past decades than these. Especially the “Decade of the brain” led to a definite change for the better in diagnostics and therapies. Today we can offer a wide range of modern diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities for nearly all psychiatric and neurological disorders.

Yet, when it comes to neurological deficits or mental illness there are still many prejudices and unnecessary fears prevalent.

Whereas usually everybody accepts the fact that illness is normal and happens to everyone from time to time, normal illnesses are most often considered to be solely physical such as a broken leg, colds, diarrhoea or similar. Diabetes mellitus is as normal an illness as is backache or headache.

Illnesses of the brain, the psyche or neurological deficiencies are also as normal as any other illnesses and moreover, they are not only very common but on the increase. Their patterns may sometimes be worrying or frightening but this is largely due to a huge lack of information in general public.

According to the study “The Global Burden of disease” carried out by the WHO (World Health Organization) depression for instance is the most important disease of all, more important even than diseases of the heart, asthma or cancer. And yet, the majority of people suffering from depression do not seek professional help or are not treated sufficiently.
We should therefore not only like to contribute to health education but we offer practical help and assistance to everyone suffering from or fearing psychiatric and/or neurological disorders.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)


Dementia is a syndrome or rather generic term to describe symptoms that follow or accompany various diseases of the brain.

Restrictions of the following neuropsychological or cognitive functions are typical features of dementia:

1. memory
2. orientation
3. comprehension and speech faculty
4. the ability to write and calculate

In addition personally disorder may occur:

1. inadequate emotional control
2. being driven on impulse
3. inadequate social behaviour

The following forms of dementia are known:

Vascular dementia

(most common form of dementia)

Vascular dementia is caused by a vascular disease of the brain. Microangiopathies (damages to the small vessels) or macroangiopathies (damages to the large vessels) for example by arteriosclerosis may lead to reduced local blood flow in certain parts of the brain.

The thus affected nerve cells deteriorate and can no longer exercise their task of distributing neurotransmitters. The consequence is dementia.Since this process is locally restricted, it is important to examine the exact nature of dementia in order to start effective therapy at an early stage.

©German Neuroscience Center; Neurology, Psychiatry Psychology Psychotherapy, Counselling Biofeedback Dubai UAE

Alzheimer’s disease

(The second most common form of dementia)

In the case of Alzheimer’s disease certain proteins accumulate inside or outside of the nerve cells of the brain. The thus affected cells deteriorate. This is why Alzheimer’s disease is called a neurodegenerative disease. The degenerated cells can no longer carry out their usual function and the distribution of neurotransmitters is reduced rapidly. The consequence of this is dementia.

Although this kind of dementia is not curable as yet, the progress of dementia may be slowed down by modern medication and mental training.

Apart from these fairly common forms of dementia there is a large variety of illnesses accompanied by dementia.
In any case, the first signs of dementia should be examined closely at an early stage to gain a secured diagnosis and act accordingly.

More information about dementia

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)


Depression is a mental disease which may express itself by

1. subdued spirit
2. loss of interest
3. social retreat
4. feeling of guilt
5. reduced self-esteem
6. attention deficit disorders
7. sleeping disorders

but also by bodily symptoms like pain or paraesthesia. Depression shows various clinical pictures which makes it very difficult to come to quick conclusions. Whereas in former times depression was simply considered to be ill humour, over the last decades depression has become recognized as a very common and serious illness.

According to a study “The global burden of disease” carried out by the WHO (World Health Organization) depression today is the most important disease in all industrial states, even more important than heart diseases, asthma or obesity. Depression in its many forms is a disease of vast relevance not only from a medical point of view but also from an economic angle. Throughout the world 12,000,000 people suffer from depressions.

Depression may be fatal if not diagnosed and treated properly. Every year 850,000 people suffering from depression die by taking their own lives. This means that about 20% of all people suffering from a severe depression commit suicide. It is very important to watch out for signs of depression in oneself but also in others and to consult a specialist at the slightest suspicion.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Bipolar Disorder

more information

Schizophrenia/ Psychosis

The prevalence of schizophrenia is 0.7%. However, of the 24,000,000 sick people worldwide only about 50% are treated adequately. The majority of the maltreated patients live in developing nations. There are two kinds of symptoms – early symptoms which may exist years before the actual outbreak of schizophrenia – and main symptoms.

About 70% of the patients show early symptoms like alteration of experience and conspicuousness in conduct although to a small extent that it will not easily be brought into connection with early signs of schizophrenia.

Main symptoms of schizophrenic psychoses are:

1. thinking disorder as regards content (hallucination)
2. formal thought disorder (absent-mindedness, loosening of connotation)
3. affect disorders
4. hallucinations (hearing of voices, optical hallucinations, body hallucinations, resounding of thoughts)
5. coenaesthetic disorders (the feeling that thoughts are taken away, the feeling that thoughts are implemented, diffusion of thoughts, manipulation of the will)
6. experience of derealisation / depersonalisation
7. motor disorders

The sooner a patient suffering from schizophrenia consults a specialist and starts treatment, the better and longer lasting will the outcome be. Today we are in the lucky position that extremely effective drugs are available and most schizophrenic patients can lead an almost normal everyday life, having families and jobs.
A good therapy will comprise beside pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and sociotherapy, also professional guidance of relatives and friends since this kind of disease represents a significant experience for everyone concerned.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Anxiety disorders / Phobia / Phobic disturbances

Fear is a feeling that everybody knows as being an entirely normal feeling. Fear usually is a reaction to a frightening situation such as a bank robbery or any other dangerous situation.

Normal fear turns into anxiety disorders or phobia when a fearful reaction occurs that does not correspond to the actual event, i.e. a situation that the majority of people would rate as not frightening at all, or if the anxiety reaction is so abnormally strong that the patient has the impression he is going to vomit, to faint, to die or to go insane.

Different types of phobias:

  1. Social phobia (including generalized social phobia / social anxiety disorder / social anxiety & specific social phobia)
  2. Specific phobia. The DSM defines 5 subtypes: animal, natural environment (darkness), blood-injection-injury, situational, and other (i.e. fear of spiders, snakes, dogs, water, heights, flying, catching a specific illness, etc.)
  3. Agoraphobia ( mostly in combination with panic attacks)

More information about Anxiety

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Reactions to severe stress and adaptation disorders

Extreme life events may produce individual patterns of reaction. Such events might be the death of a partner, war, experiences, separation, accidents, experience of violence, traumata or abuse. To some people this might be the case even with simple things like attendance of school, a move or likewise. Of course it is only natural for a person confronted with a stressful event to feel sad, shocked or unable to understand what is happening.

However, if this reaction takes too long or does not stop at all or the reaction in itself is inadequate to the event thus leading to an increased impairment of the person concerned, this person needs professional help.
The reactions to life events can be manifold producing for instance restricted consciousness, decreased attention, disorientation, amnesia or depression, desperation, anxiety or aggression but also bodily symptoms like sweating, heart throbbing and blushing are common.

Stress is a common risk factor for many diseases. From depression and other mental illnesses to somatic illnesses like cardiovascular diseases, peptic ulcer and many more.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Acute reaction to stress

If the reaction occurs immediately after the event and disappears fairly rapidly, this is called acute reaction to stress. This is a normal reaction. However, depending on the severity of the symptoms professional help may be needed for a short time.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Adaptation disorder

This means that a normal reaction to stress starts as late as a month after the event and will continue up to six months. This still would be considered a normal reaction although also in these cases therapeutic help might be necessary.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Post-traumatic stress disorder

This disorder may remain for as long as six months after a traumatic event and may be prolonged for years. Typical criteria are:

  • The recollection and reliving of the event, also in dreams.
  • Avoidance of anything that might call back the event. This may lead to total social withdrawal.
  • The feeling of mental numbness. Affects will diminish.
  • Amnesia.
  • General arousal, irritability, disturbance of concentration, anxious alertness, scariness, sleeping disorders.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Somatoform disorder

It happens every so often that patients complaining about bodily symptoms consult numerous doctors and specialists without getting a sufficient explanation for their problems nor remedies. Such patients are definitely ill, they will have pains, functional disorders or likewise and yet the highly developed modern medicine seems unable to help them.

Trying to find release, such patients will consult doctors at frequent intervals which is called “doctor hopping”. Or, after years of looking for medical professional help without any result, they will turn to alternative medicine. This kind of behaviour expresses the enormous pressure these patients are under.

The problem, however, lies in the logical deduction that in case of physical symptoms or pain the solution must be bodily. If one is suffering from diarrhoea or pain in the feet, of course the obvious choice would be a specialist for diarrhoea or pain in the feet.
Why should one consult a doctor specialized in treating psychic or mental diseases when actually suffering from bodily symptoms?

Although this sounds reasonable enough, it definitely means underrating the power of psyche. Of course, each bodily symptom must be clarified by a corresponding specialist. But when this is done and no good reason is found, the fact remains that many seemingly sheer physical complaints can be triggered off by the psyche. This is called a somatoform disorder.

Many patients fear a diagnosis that indicates a mental origin of their complaints and insist that their problem must be merely physical. These patients should know that indeed somatoform disorders are nothing rare, but on the contrary, they are the most common forms of disorders general practitioners and general hospital doctors are confronted with every day.

At least 20% of all patients consulting a general practitioner suffer from some kind of somatoform disorder.

Indicators of a somatoform disorder are:

1. pains of any kind with changing locations
2. tachycardia or extra systoles (heart stumbling)
3. stomach and/or intestinal disorders, diarrhoea, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome
4. irritable bladder
5. extensive perspiration, blushing
6. hypochondria (certain bodily symptoms are perceived as being abnormal and threatening thus causing fear of a severe illness)

A specialist (neurologist or psychiatrist) should be consulted as early as possible after clarifying the bodily symptoms without any results to avoid further aggravation of the somatoform disorder especially since the possibilities of therapy are promising and may lead to complete recovery.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

Dissociative disorders (conversion)

Traumatic events or seemingly unsolvable problems can lead to a psychic reaction known as conversion. The unsolvable problem is deferred resulting in disturbances which the person concerned can no longer trace back to the basic event.

The problem may be deferred to the following scopes:

  • Psyche: this path may lead to amnesia, flight (fugue), stupor, trance, obsession, loss of identity
  • Motor system: may lead to weakness, palsy, dystonia, disturbances in coordination and loss of hold
  • Sensibility: may lead to paraesthesia, prickling and physical numbness
  • Brain: may lead to epileptic-like fits

Since in the majority of cases the bodily symptoms are in the foreground, persons concerned tend to consult a number of other
doctors before turning to a psychiatrist.

By aid of precise exploration it will be possible in most cases to discover the unknown conflicts thus easing or abolishing the
psychogenic occurrences.

GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)

OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

coming soon…

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults

Approximately 5 to 10% of children between the ages of 6 and 18 years are affected by ADHD. Boys are 3 to 4 times more affected than girls. For a long time people believed that ADHD occurs solely during childhood. But in 30% of the affected children the symptoms persist – possibly in a milder form

-, frequently combined with additional psychiatric disorders as depressions, anxiety disorders or dependencies. Adults with ADHD are often not diagnosed until a diagnosis has been made for one of their children.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder is a neurobiological brain function disorder, which often causes significant implications for the affected person’s professional and private life. It is presumed that this condition is caused by an imbalance between individual neurotransmitters leading to disturbed information processing between different areas of the brain, which are responsible for concentration, conception, and impulse control. Hence new information can be less well filtered and the persons affected become constantly over-stimulated. They are struggling to distinguish what is important from what is unimportant and is hard for them to focus on main points.

Due to the high rate of occurrence within families a genetic predisposition does probably exist, but birth asphyxia and other environmental influences are said to be contributing elements, too.

ADHD Symptoms:

Attention deficiencies and disorganisation: Lack of concentration while reading longer texts – work instructions! -, difficulty following longer conversations and lectures attentively. A person with ADHD becomes even more distracted while performing subjectively boring activities, for example routine activities. New tasks are continually being started with older tasks not being finished, preventing the formation of patterns, which would be required for establishing structures. This implies disorder and chaotic organisation: The persons affected are not able to multitask, they have problems to organise their daily life and they have poor time management skills. They frequently change jobs, interrupt their life career and generally even face financial difficulties. In their private lives they are often unhappy in relationships, break up with their partners more often, have unstable friendships and have difficulties parenting their own children, too. The consequences are reduced self-esteem and feelings of failure.

Hyperactivity: is generally less pronounced in adults, but can reflect in the inability to remain seated for longer periods (flights, cinema, lectures etc.). The affected persons often jiggle feet or tap the table with their fingers.

Impulsiveness and labile affect: Emotional liability and hyperexcitability with rapidly changing moods up to several times per day may occur spontaneously but can also be initialised from the outside. The affected persons react extremely emotionally to daily stress factors; they are impatient with others, interrupt their counterpart during a conversation, are increasingly irritable, have a low frustration tolerance and tend to risky driving behaviour. On the other hand: Adults with ADHD are often very creative and have associative thinking abilities. When they are occupied with tasks they are interested in, they can work extremely hard and persistently. They even become specialists on many occasions. They are very sensitive towards interpersonal vibrations, can be very empathetic, enthusiastic and impulsive.

ADHD Treatment

Firstly people with such ‘characteristics’ should accept the fact that they need assistance in order to diagnose them at all. There are various therapeutic options, as for example concentration techniques, self-organisation techniques and conflict management training. In more severe cases medication might be required. Nearly all treated adults with ADHD report a complete change of their lives including a fulfilling relationship and a successful career.

More information about ADHD: here & here

Eating Disorders

click below and find out more:

Dubai One: live interview with counsellor Jared Alden about Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders in Dubai: First borns face higher risks of developing eating disorders, UAE experts warn

Eating Disorders in Dubai: Anna’s story – the model student who was starving herself to death

The first thing I noticed about Anna… History of an Eating Disorder in Dubai


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GNC, German Neuroscience Center (Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling in Dubai, UAE)